Cervical cancer is a cancer that women should not overlook. Furthermore, screening is an important matter that should be done at least once a year because cervical cancer may not have obvious symptoms.

Internal examination is a test to check for abnormalities in the female reproductive system. Which includes the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus. Women can have internal examinations at any age, except for those who have had a hysterectomy and cervix removed. In which case an internal examination is not necessary.
A Pap smear or Pap test can screen for cervical cancer, vaginal infections, sexually transmitted diseases, or other problems. Most of the results can be known within one day. Except for the cervical cancer screening results, which take about a week. After the internal examination, สมัคร ufabet, you can go home immediately.
Cervical cancer screening, regardless of the method, involves collecting a sample of cervical tissue. But the results are analyze differently. Therefore, the preparation before receiving a cervical cancer screening is the same as follows:
- Before the examination, you can eat and drink normally. The person being examin does not need to abstain from food and water or avoid certain types of food because it has no effect on the internal examination.
- You should wear clothes that are easy to remove because you will need to change before the examination.
- To make the internal examination most effective, you should prepare yourself before the examination by not undergoing the examination during your period, as you may be more susceptible to infection during your period. Or, undergo the examination after your period has completely ended for about 5 days. You should also avoid having sex before the examination. Avoid having sex for 24-48 hours before the examination.
- For those who have abnormal vaginal discharge, it is not recommend to insert medication for treatment before the internal examination. Because it will cause the medication to remain in the vagina, making the internal examination impossible.
- 48 hours before the examination, refrain from sexual intercourse, use of lubricants, sprays, powders, creams, or vaginal suppositories, and refrain from douching with water or any other liquid.
Having a regular annual internal examination is even better. Because it means that we can be sure that our internal health is normal. Or if there is any abnormality, regular internal examinations. Will allow us to detect the abnormality early on, leading to fast treatment. Which in most cases has a chance of being completely cure.